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Hope Center For Autism

Hope Center for Autism

The Hope Center for Autism is a non-profit corporation located in Martin County, Florida. This is the only public school in Martin County specifically for children with autism; therefore there is a desperate need for the school in the area. Autism is a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts.

Hope Center for Autism

Unique Marketing Challenges

Because the Hope Center for Autism is a public charter school, they only receive a small amount of funding from the government. Over $5 million is needed for just phase one of building this new school in Jensen Beach. Cotton & Company is working with the staff of the Hope Center for Autism by creating a new landing page, designing a new logo, and creating social content to help bring in donations. Cotton & Company started the marketing campaign for the Hope Center for Autism of turning Martin County “Blue”.

Unique Marketing Challenges