It’s Easy to Forget the Little Things
It is easy to forget the little things. When you are part of a large organization and have multiple clients sometimes things can fall through the cracks. For example, your website and your Facebook may remain up to date, but those aren’t the only places where potential customers can find you online. There are numerous online resource sites that show local and national business listings.
Many of those sites post business information without actually contacting the company. It is then your job to go online, find those sites and check your company’s profile. Are you listed? If so, is the contact information correct? Are your company’s services correctly explained?
For some sites it is simply a matter of “claiming” your business listing, a process with a significant downside: anyone can make changes to your listing. If you are going to take advantage of these free listings, it is in your best interest to record their location and monitor them frequently for accuracy. Other sites do not allow user edits. Even a slight change requires a call or e-mail to the support department to get the changes made.

Online Business Resource Sites
Posted on February 17, 2011 | Read time: 1 minute

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