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Post Tagged with emerging trends

Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2022 Report Shows Optimism

By Angelene Posted in - Press on October 27th, 2021

Emerging Trends in Real Estate® 2022 Report, produced by both the Urban Land Institute (ULI) and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), demonstrates strong optimism for the industry into the next decade. National real estate trends for buyers, sellers, and industry professionals have been disrupted at a never-before-seen level over the past 24 months by unprecedented demand, urban migration, supply chain interruptions, an extraordinary increase in residential home prices, and an unknown future for office space. In spite of these emerging trends, the outlook is even more positive than it was in 2019 prior to the Pandemic. 2022 Sentiment Real Estate Industry professionals did better than they expected this past year. People expected there would be an economic downturn fueled by COVID-19, but the results…

5 Takeaways from the 2021 ULI Florida Real Estate Summit

By Angelene Posted in - Press on October 11th, 2021

Every year ULI hosts an Annual Real Estate Summit in Miami, Florida, and other major cities to examine the future of real estate, trends, and opportunities.  This year the 2021 ULI Florida Real Estate Summit in Miami was altered last minute to a virtual format due to concerns of the spreading Delta variant uprise. The Urban Land Institute (ULI) is a global, nonprofit research and education organization.  It’s the oldest, largest network of cross-disciplinary real estate and land-use experts in the world who share in the vision of the ULI mission to “shape the future of the built environment for transformative impact in communities worldwide”. Here are the most important takeaways shared by Cotton & Company’s Executive Vice President, Karen…