Post in the Category Media
By Angelene
Posted in - Advertising & Media & Social Media on July 21st, 2015
Social Marketing is important in today’s real estate market. Pinterest may not be the channel you associate with real estate marketing, but here at Cotton & Company we understand content and the importance of having a “conversation” in social media. We excel at leveraging different social platforms, creating user-friendly content resulting in engaging with your potential clients. Some real estate agents and marketing companies, such as the
By Angelene
Posted in - Advertising & Media & Real Estate & Social Media on June 23rd, 2015
Young Professionals Use Facebook/FaceTime to Purchase Luxury Condo Using social media to market real estate means providing information that they can access at their fingertips. In this digitally driven world the consumer can get little snacks of knowledge to keep them coming back for more. You stay in touch with them and you engage. No one can be everything to everyone at all times, but with social media, we can get really close. Staying in tune with the consumer will lead the next generation of marketing to better elevate this form of customer service. For example in San Antonio, Texas, one of our clients, Alteza Residences, recently sold a residence with social media. When young professionals Samar and Kajel Shah…
By Angelene
Posted in - Advertising & Media & Social Media on January 19th, 2015
Recently the concept of adding telephone numbers to our print media ads, each unique to a specific publication came up in discussion. At first the idea seems wonderful, a way to measure the success of traditional media advertising. Upon further review, there are some substantial pitfalls, which must be considered. The concept proves valuable if we significantly narrow down what we will measure and how we will compare it against other metrics. I think it’s a good idea to add unique telephone number call tracking to the mix. We must remember that it is “an additional” bit of information we can use to better understand a very complex system, but not the be-all-end-all to measure the success of a traditional…
By Angelene
Posted in - Social Media on January 12th, 2015
We’ve been implementing successful social media marketing programs for our clients in the luxury real estate industry for over four years. We use our own proprietary content formula and targeting experience to hone in on the real estate buyer, make them aware of our projects and the lifestyle each affords. We network with affiliates and drive cross-promotion through social channels, gaining third party credibility. We’ve figured out how to make it work for us, for our industry. And now, Facebook has slightly changed the rules on us. It’s now, more important than ever, to have an experienced social marketer develop and help you implement a strategic plan for your business. It’s still necessary to cultivate qualified databases of “likes” on…
By Laurie Andrews
Posted in - Advertising & Media & Networking & Real Estate & Social Media on December 3rd, 2013
Today’s marketing programs for golf and country clubs must be very different compared to how we have marketed prior to the recent recession. Most clubs were originally geared towards a specific demographic and psychographic profile- the Silent Generation born between 1925 and 1942. These profiles have shifted during the downturn, which is why membership recruitment strategies must shift as well. The previously targeted buyer profile has aged, and with that the referral base has diminished. The life and future of your club depends on how well you can “young it up” to appeal to the next market. Not only will the younger market be around longer to enjoy the club, but the projected revenue stream of a 40 – 50…
By Alexis
Posted in - Advertising & Media & Networking & Social Media on August 28th, 2013
Facebook Ads are ever-evolving. They can be used to geographically and demographically target Facebook users who should “Like” your page. These ads are of the “pay-per-click” variety, therefore you only pay for what you get. Facebook profile information allows advertisers to hyper-target prospective consumers based on their age, location, education, relationship status, interests like favorite cities, restaurants, beaches and much more. Are you taking advantage of Facebook’s Advertising platform? Well, you should be and things are about to get a little bit better. From updated precise audience targeting to ad creation and performance measurement, Facebook has just released its newest update coming soon. Announced last week, new updates and changes are coming to Facebook’s advertising platform. Big ones. New changes…
By Laurie Andrews
Posted in - Media & Networking & Public Relations & Social Media & Uncategorized & Web on August 21st, 2013
All across the country, real estate continues to see positive news for the industry. The good news on sales success is being driven by investment buyers seeking appreciation or rental income. As the cycle continues and the economy continues to strengthen, end-user buyers will continue to increase. As builders and developers are putting their strategic marketing plan in place, questions often arise on how much they should budget and what the top priorities should be. As a leader in real estate marketing for more than four decades, Cotton & Company is assisting its clients by establishing priorities throughout their strategic plan. Focusing on direct consumer sales most often results in a higher ROI by lessening the commission expense. Today, most…
By Alexis
Posted in - Media & Web on August 9th, 2013
Cotton & Company, real estate marketing specialists, announced Friday that Media Director Renee MacLees has been selected by Google as an Engage All-Star for 2013. To achieve this prestigious award, high benchmarks and strict criteria were reached in several advertising areas including pay per click text and display digital advertising. “Being named a Google Engage All-Star winner is a well-deserved honor for Renee, “ says Laurie Andrews, Chief Operation Officer for Cotton & Company. “With the rebound of the real estate market, creating a strong digital footprint is critical to our client’s success. Our digital service team is among the best in the business, and we proud to have Google recognize Renee’s performance.” Cotton & Company celebrated its 30th anniversary…
By Laurie Andrews
Posted in - Media & Real Estate on March 13th, 2013
Cotton & Company’s 5th annual consumer survey is underway. The annual online report surveys prospective homebuyers throughout the US to gain insight into the current buyer’s psychology. With more than 700 respondents providing insight on the factors that affect their purchase decision, the data has become an industry standard for forecasting residential real estate trends. As the data continues to be analyzed for the final report, early indications show liquidity has returned to the market. When asked about their reason for not purchasing to date, the consumer response “Can’t sell my existing home” dropped significantly from the 2011 market data. As additional support to this position, consumer interest in “Waiting for Better Pricing” has dropped to 8%, from the highpoint…
By Alexis
Posted in - Media & Networking & Public Relations & Social Media & Uncategorized & Web on March 12th, 2013
March 10th at 2am, we sprung ahead one hour. Daylight Savings Time is nearly upon us. “DST” is a way of making better use of the daylight hours by setting the clocks forward one hour in the spring and then back again in the fall. Do you believe this is a good practice or not worth the hassle for one extra hour of evening daylight during the warmer months?There are different schools of thought on this practice. Some studies report that DST saves energy, but you can find just as many studies that report it does not. Some people say the loss of that one-hour of sleep affects their health, mood and body clocks. However, many appreciate the extra hour…