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Real Estate Advertising Agency looks into 2016 Presidential Election

Which Candidate is Better For The Housing Market?

Posted on September 12, 2016 | Read time: 3 minutes

A new poll commissioned by the National Association of Home Builders to gauge public sentiment on the value of homeownership and government programs that encourage homeownership and housing production concluded that an overwhelming four-out-of-five Americans believe that owning a home is a good investment. With the political season shifting into high gear from a year of already intense, in your face advertising, we can safely say that the tensions have risen when it comes to the the future of our country.

Looking at past history, the Presidential election and the voters’ attitudes towards it often has an impact on consumer spending habits. The low consumer confidence has the developers feeling the pinch. With that being said, out of a nationwide survey consisting of more than 2,800 registered voters, “The survey shows that most Americans believe that owning a home remains an integral part of the American Dream and that policymakers need to take active steps to encourage and protect homeownership,” said NAHB Chairman Ed Brady.

With the RNC and DNC conventions concluded, who would be the better President for the U.S. housing market? What are the challenges Americans will face with each candidate? Most of it, not surprisingly boils down to money. Cotton & Company has always seen a decline in sales and even in ROI during these months leading up to an election. Being in the business for as many years as we have we know how to deal with recurring situations and produce results for our clients.

The survey was evenly split on which presidential candidate would be best for housing.

Among those polled, the end result was a positive direction. Younger demographics are weighing in and showing interests in becoming homeowners. A higher percentage claimed “now is a good time to buy a home,” and most would want to buy one in the next 3 years. Anyway you look at it, the impact will be positive no matter who moves into the big white house on Pennsylvania Ave.

If you’re navigating your real estate sales operation through this election season, Cotton & Company can help you cultivate your lead base and prepare to capitalize on the surge in activity post-election. Cotton & Company is widely recognized as an industry leader in new residential real estate sales and marketing. We have empowered real estate sales success worldwide having managed more than 1,700 properties over the past four decades.
To learn more about Cotton & Company and our newest digital and content marketing strategies, click here. 

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